Build the Perfect Patient Experience

Redefine patient interaction and turn it into a key driver for your practice's growth and revenue. With features like automatic reminders, two-way texting, targeted marketing campaigns, and our unique patient pipeline, you can efficiently communicate, segment audiences, and keep your schedule full.

Reduce No-Shows

Control the controllable and drastically reduce no-shows with The Dental App’s automatic reminder system. By sending timely appointment reminders via text and email, you ensure patients are consistently informed and engaged.

Build Personal Connections

Keep it real, not robotic: connect with patients via unlimited two-way texting and bridge the gap between your practice and patients, allowing for direct, real communication. Effortlessly exchange messages and images, enhancing your connection with patients in a way that’s both personal and efficient, right where they are - on their phones.

Launch Custom Campaigns

Create customizable sequences for a targeted audience with The Dental App. Set up appointment reminders to reduce no-shows or design campaigns to actively engage with your patients.

Optimize Your Entire Practice

Transform the way you view and manage your dental office with our patient pipeline feature. With this tool, you can visualize and fill your practice’s pipeline, identifying new opportunities for growth. Utilize sophisticated segmentation and filtering to pinpoint patients in need of treatment or those who might benefit from a gentle reminder.